Unseen NYC: The Wild Side of Central Park!

Unseen NYC: The Wild Side of Central Park!

New York City's Central Park is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, charming attractions, and vibrant events. Yet, beyond the beaten path, this urban oasis harbors a wild side where nature thrives. Join us as we delve into the unseen world of Central Park's wildlife and flora.

A Haven for Birdlife

With over 200 species of birds recorded, Central Park is a birdwatcher's paradise. The park's Ramble is particularly rich in birdlife, especially during the spring and fall migrations. From the stunning Red-tailed Hawks to the elusive Eastern Screech-Owls, the diversity of birdlife is simply astonishing.

Secrets in the Undergrowth

While strolling around the park, you might spot small mammals like grey squirrels and chipmunks, but you'll have to be more observant to notice the park's invertebrate inhabitants. The undergrowth teems with fascinating creatures such as butterflies, dragonflies, and a multitude of beetles.

The Hidden World of Central Park's Ponds and Streams

Central Park's water bodies, including The Lake and Turtle Pond, host a range of aquatic species. From various fish species to the snapping turtles and the charismatic bullfrogs, there's a whole different world to discover beneath the surface.

Flora of Central Park

Central Park's flora is as diverse as its fauna. The park is home to a wide variety of trees, from towering oaks and maples to ornamental cherry trees. The Shakespeare Garden, a four-acre landscape featuring flowers and plants mentioned in Shakespeare's works, is a hidden gem worth exploring.

Conservation in Action

Efforts by the Central Park Conservancy help preserve the park's natural habitats and biodiversity. This includes the restoration of woodlands and water bodies, control of invasive species, and educational programs about the park's ecology.


The wild side of Central Park is a testament to the resilience of nature amidst urban development. So, next time you visit the park, step off the main paths, and explore the park's natural wonders. You'll be amazed at what you can find.