5 Most Exciting Discoveries in Space of the Last Decade

5 Most Exciting Discoveries in Space of the Last Decade

The last decade has seen incredible advancements in space exploration and knowledge. The vast expanse of the universe is full of mysteries, and as our technology improves, we're uncovering more about the cosmos than ever before. Here are the top five most exciting space discoveries of the last decade:

1. The First Image of a Black Hole

In 2019, scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope project released the first-ever image of a black hole. This groundbreaking discovery confirmed Albert Einstein's predictions about the behavior of light near a black hole and has changed the way we study these intriguing objects.

2. Thousands of Exoplanets Discovered

The Kepler Space Telescope, launched by NASA in 2009, has identified over 2,600 confirmed exoplanets, vastly expanding our knowledge of the universe and the potential for other life-sustaining planets. The mission of Kepler has truly revolutionized our understanding of our place in the cosmos.

3. The First Interstellar Visitors

Two objects from outside our solar system visited us in the last decade. In 2017, an elongated, rocky object named 'Oumuamua passed through, followed by a comet named 2I/Borisov in 2019. These interstellar visitors offered unique insights into the makeup of other solar systems.

4. Water on Mars

Scientists confirmed the presence of liquid water flowing on Mars' surface in 2015. This discovery supports the potential for life, at least in microbial form, on the Red Planet.

5. Gravitational Waves Detected

In 2016, researchers at the LIGO observatories detected gravitational waves for the first time. These ripples in space-time, first predicted by Albert Einstein, open up a new way to observe the universe and its phenomena.


These exciting discoveries only scrape the surface of what we know about the universe. As our technology advances and our exploration continues, who knows what we'll discover next?