The Weirdest Laws Still in Effect on Long Island!

The Weirdest Laws Still in Effect on Long Island!

Laws serve a vital purpose in maintaining order and justice, but sometimes they can be downright strange. Here are some of the weirdest laws still in effect on Long Island.

1. No Puppet Shows

In the town of Huntington, it’s technically illegal to hold a puppet show in your window. According to Ranker, this law was put in place to prevent traffic distractions.

2. Slippers After 10 PM

It's against the law to wear slippers after 10 PM in public places in North Hempstead. We couldn't find the reasoning behind this one!

3. Jumping Off the Empire State Building

This one is actually a law in New York City, but it’s strange enough to be included: if you jump off the Empire State Building, it’s a violation of city code and technically a misdemeanor. Remember, it's also very deadly and not recommended.

4. Ice Cream on Sundays

While this law has been changed, there was a time when it was illegal to sell ice cream on Sundays in some parts of Long Island. This Newsday article gives more insight into the background of this outdated law.