Bizarre Weather Phenomena You Won't Believe Are Real!

Bizarre Weather Phenomena You Won't Believe Are Real!

Weather is unpredictable and can be utterly bizarre. Here are some of the most mind-boggling weather phenomena from around the world!

Fire Tornadoes

Yes, you read that right! Fire tornadoes, or fire whirls, are whirlwinds comprising flames or ash. These usually occur during wildfires. Learn more about them on National Geographic.

Raining Frogs and Fish

It sounds like something out of a horror movie, but raining frogs or fish is a documented weather phenomenon. It happens when whirlwinds over water bodies lift lightweight creatures like frogs and fish into the air, and they later fall with rain. Read more about it on BBC News.

Ball Lightning

Ball lightning is a rare phenomenon that appears as luminous, spherical objects during thunderstorms. Scientists are still trying to understand this phenomenon. Read more about it on Scientific American.

Mammatus Clouds

Mammatus are bubble-like cloud formations that look downright surreal. They usually form in association with severe thunderstorms. More about Mammatus clouds on National Weather Service.