Shocking Things Your Handwriting Says About You!
Ever wondered what your handwriting might reveal about you? Welcome to the world of graphology - the analysis of handwriting patterns to identify the personality and emotional state of the writer. It's time to dig out that old notebook and see what secrets your script might spill!
1. Size of Your Letters
According to graphology experts, the size of your letters can suggest how outgoing or reserved you are. People with larger handwriting are generally more outgoing, while those with smaller script tend to be more introspective.
2. Spacing Between Words
Do you cram your words together or give them lots of space? Handwriting analysts say that people who leave lots of space between words enjoy their freedom and don't like to be crowded, while those with minimal spacing might be intrusive or enjoy close relationships.
3. Slant
If your writing leans to the right, it might indicate that you are open to new experiences and enjoy meeting new people. A left slant may suggest you are more reserved and prefer to work behind the scenes. If you write with no slant, you might be logical and practical, according to graphology research.
4. Pressure
The pressure you apply when writing can provide clues about your emotional state. Heavy pressure may indicate high levels of energy or possibly tension, while light pressure might suggest sensitivity or high levels of empathy, according to this Real Clear Science article.